Ancient väärtused kaasaegse majanduse: Kestev mõju Lindisfarne, Suurbritannia

Lindisfarne kindlus, a 15th century military fort set in grazing lands. (Allikas: Robert Wild, 2009.)

Püha saar Lindisfarne ja seda ümbritseva mere märgalad on oluline piirkond rannikuelupaigad ja talvitumise Wildfowl. See on olnud kristlik püha paik ja palverännakute keskus alates AD 635 kui see oli keskne roll nagu "häll" Kristluse Põhja Suurbritannia. Üks selle juhtiv pühakud St Cuthbert peeti üks Inglismaa esimene "looduskaitsjate" ja ta on endiselt kõige tunnustatud Saint valdkonnas. Parts saarel ja kõik ümbritseva märgalad on riiklik looduskaitseala, samas saare enda maja küla, ajalooliste hoonete, mitmeid kirikuid ja taganema keskused. Viimastel aastatel, see on võõrustas kasvav külastajate arv ja palverändurid. Nõudmisi külastajad on potentsiaali põhjustada tasakaalustamatust saartel väärtused sealhulgas kohaliku kogukonna pärandi, ökoloogia ja majandus.

As well as its religious and historical importance Lindisfarne is a typical Northumbrian village with a small resident community of 100 people, consisting of long-established families who were mostly farmers and fishermen, as well as new residents. The local population has been declining over recent years, with people leaving to seek jobs and housing elsewhere. There are several local churches and Christian groups that work together. Historic England and the National Trust manage the historic heritage, and Natural England the nature conservation interests. The Community Development Trust represents the resident community.

Kõik kohad ja kõik inimesed on püha. Meil on tabamine et, ja kinni isegi väikseim puidu samuti suurima rainforest.
– Canon David Adam, Vicar of Holy Island (1995-2003).

Each of the management institutions on Holy Island have their own remit and function and until the development of the Holy Island Partnership there was not a mechanism to coordinate this work. The partnership has the potential to bring the different actors to keep in balance the community, ökoloogiline, religious and economic values of the island.

Kaitse vahendid:
The Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve staff engages in several management practices, including livestock grazing to maintain the species-rich grasslands. The wildfowl are counted monthly as part of a national monitoring program. Visitor management includes regulating the access to the most sensitive areas, especially the sand dunes. Invasive alien species are monitored, the most notable of which is the New Zealand piripiri burr, historically imported in wool for the region’s cloth mills. The construction of a causeway, built in 1954-1964, has perhaps caused the biggest changes to the reserve. Näiteks, a local rise in the sand flats in the vicinity of the causeway has hastened the conversion of mudflats to sand flats and salt marsh, thereby reducing the area of some habitats important for wildfowl grazing. Parking becomes limited during the peak season, when cars park along the main access road by the dunes; Natural England, the conservation institution responsible for declaring and managing England’s nature reserves, is under some pressure to prevent this.

Kasvab arusaam, et eraldi institutsioonide eesmärk peaks olema koostöö rohkem. The 2005 Natural England visioon Lindisfarne National Natural Reserve panna rõhku terviklikku ja integreeritud lähenemisviisi. Community Development Thrust laiendab oma tegevusvaldkonda ja kogub kogemusi, ning on seetõttu paremini esindada kogukonna suuremate institutsioonide võrdsematel alustel. Mõned kogukonna liikmed saavad nüüd elada kohapeal soodsama hinnaga, aidates hoida süda kohaliku kultuuri puutumata.

Püha saarel Lindisfarne haldab paljusid erinevaid institutsioone, kõik kavatsusega säilitada aspekt saidi, olgu see siis religioosne, loodus-või kultuuripärandi. Kui küsida küsimus "kes on vastutav Püha maa?, universaalne vastus on "keegi". Kuigi ühtse struktuuri anda suunas oleks nii kohatu ja kasutu, suurem kollektiivne suunataju võib vaja minna.

Each of the institutions has an active work programme to address their specific areas of work. Importantly from the community perspective the Community Development Trust has built eleven new community houses that are rented to community members who want to stay on the island but cannot afford the high house prices. The first steps are now being taken toward such a process with the formation of a proposed Holy Island partnership. This is in its very early stages and is not widely known among some of the key players. While a forum is likely to be essential, it may not be sufficient, especially at the start; a consensus-building process may need to be undertaken to engage with a wider group of people than the forum representatives.

Poliitika ja seadus:
No selge mehhanismid on loodud, et arutada või otsustab kompromisse erinevad nägemused ja arengusuundade. Saar on nüüd tegelevad nende raames siseriikliku õiguse. Some of the players are very large national-level government, church or charity organizations that have specialized mandates, bureaucratic tendencies, and remote and relatively inflexible decision-making mechanisms, while other key groups, especially the local community members, have no formalized voice in the decision-making process.

St Cuthberts Isle, where the saint first withdrew to follow the hermits calling.
(Allikas: Robert Wild, 2009.)
  • See saidi kirjeldus on välja töötatud koostöös Delos Initiative ja selle osalised. See on koostatud ulatuslikumast juhtumiuuringust, mis on esitatud ja avaldatud koos Delose algatusega.
  • Lindisfarne Holy Island:
  • Wild R. (2010) Nature Saint and Holy Island, Ancient Values in a Modern Economy: The Enduring Influence of St. Cuthbert and Lindisfarne, Suurbritannia. Sisse, Verschuuren et al. (2010) Looduslike pühapaikade: looduse säilitamine & kultuur. Maa skaneerimine, London.
  • Wild R. Holy Island of Lindisfarne and the modern relevance of Celtic 'Nature Saints'. In Mallarach, J.M; Papayannis, T. and Väisäinen R. 2012. Mitmekesisuse Sacred Lands Euroopas. Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the Delos Initiative - Inari/Aanaar 2010.
  • Sacred Land Film Project (2011), The Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
  • Natural England. "Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve".