Based on a press release from Oxlojuj Ajpop, the National Council of Mayan Spiritual Leaders of Guatemala. See also www.oxlajujajpop.org.gt, facebook/oxlajujajpop or contact Oxlajuj Ajpop in Spanish for more information; oxlajujajpop@oxlajujajpop.org.gt Released; Jun Lajuj Iq ‘ (in the Mayan Calendar) ខែតុលា 24, 2012, ហ្គាតេម៉ាឡា.
With the permission of the grandmothers and grandfathers we carry this message to the national and international community:
Following the principles of the calendar, the Maya worldview and tradition the Authorities the Mayan Ancestral Authorities at the National Council of Mayan Spiritual Leaders Oxlajuj Ajpop call on the sons, daughters, granddaughters and grandchildren of the contemporary Maya of the four corners of Mesoamerica. Prepare yourselves, your families and the communities to reaffirm our origin, our ancient knowledge and our mission as human beings to live respectful and in harmony with plants, ការជីកយករ៉ែ, animals and the cosmos during the new Maya cycle. We call on families, communities and the Maya of Guatemala and Mesoamerica to prepare for and participate in the celebration of the spiritual, social and scientific principles of the new Mayan calendar based on the Mayan worldview.

Oxlajuj Ojpop at the launch of the the spiritual, social and scientific celebration of the new cycle of the Mayan Calendar in natural and constructed sacred sites. Oxlajuj Ajpop calls for celebrations of the new Mayan calendar and denounces
deception, កុហក, distortions and folkloric views of Mayan culture brought about by marketing people, groups and institutions from outside the Maya Culture. Photos: Oxlajuj Ajpop
The celebrations are to be held in the following holy cities; Saqulew (Huehuetenango), Q’umarkaj, Quiché, Iximche (Chimaltenango), Q’aminal Juyub’, (ទីក្រុងហ្គាតេម៉ាឡា) and Tikal (Peten).
Celebrations will also take place at the following sacred natural sites; Chuwi ‘Saqrib’al, San Andrés Sajcabajá (El Quiché), B’alam Ab’aj, Boca Costa, Nawala, Solola, Pa Su’n, Patzún (Chimaltenango), Tz’unun, (San Jose Peten), Q’ana Itzam, Cahabón, Chi ‘Batz, Tactic (Alta Verapaz).
Celebrations will be held at the following days of the Mayan Calendar; Jun Noj, Keb Tijax, Oxib Kawoq, Kijab ‘Ajpu which are 18, 19, 20 និង 21 ខែធ្នូ 2012 on the Gregorian calendar. For more details see the schedule below.
We invite the four ethnic communities of Guatemala, the communities and nations of the world to join in this momentous transcendental event of celebrating the spiritual, social and scientific Mayan calendar. We oppose deception, កុហក, distortions and folkloric views of Mayan culture brought about by marketing people, groups and institutions from outside the Maya Culture, These are distorting the true meaning of managing the Cycles of Time in the Mayan Calendar.
We recall that the knowledge and participation of our grandmothers and grandfathers (our ancestors) regarding the cycles of the Mayan calendar’s involves profound changes in the field of personal, family and community life towards true harmony and balance between humans and nature. We invite Maya to celebrate the different disciplines according to the Mayan Calendar; the study and investigation of the scriptures, management and interpretation of time from the thinking of our ancestors and not reproduce interpretations from outside the Mayan culture.
Spiritual, social and scientific celebrations of the Mayan calendar are to be held at the Sacred Sites (see point four below) during the days; June No’j-Kieb ‘Tijax – oxib Kawoq-Kijab’ Ajpu, according ot the Mayan calendar and 18, 19, 20 និង 21 ខែធ្នូ 2012 according to the Gregorian calendar.
1. Briefings, planning and evaluation of working committees to be performed at the Central Office of Oxlajuj Ajpop:
- Oxlajuj No’j – ខែវិច្ឆិកា 8, 2012
- Oxlajuj Tz’i ‘ – ខែវិច្ឆិកា 21, 2012
- Oxlajuj Aq’ab’al – ខែធ្នូ 4, 2012
2. Important days in the Mayan calendar for meetings, meditation and reflection, harmonizing and balancing the family and individual. The proposed events will be performed from 20:00 ទៅ 23:00:
- Oxlajuj Batz – ខែតុលា 13, 2012
- K’at Oxlajuj – 26 ខែតុលា 2012
- Oxlajuj No’j – ខែវិច្ឆិកា 8, 2012
- Oxlajuj Tz’I – ខែវិច្ឆិកា 21, 2012
- Oxlajuj Aq’ab’al – ខែធ្នូ 4, 2012
- Kab’lajuj Tz’ikin – ខែធ្នូ 16, 2012
- Ajmaq Oxlajuj – 17 ខែធ្នូ 2012
3. Wajxaqib Celebration ‘Batz at Sacred Mayan Calendar in the context of Oxlajuj b’aktun:
- Wukub Tz’i ‘, ខែធ្នូ 11 personal and family preparedness
- Wajxaqib ‘Batz – ខែធ្នូ 12, 2012
4. Spiritual, social and scientific Mayan celebrations are to be held at the Sacred Sites during the days; June No’j-Kieb ‘Tijax – oxib Kawoq-Kijab’ Ajpu, according to the Mayan calendar) និង 18, 19, 20 និង 21 ខែធ្នូ 2012 in the Gregorian calendar:
- Focus on the sacred places for the evaluation, assessment and synchronization
- Life at the personal, family, សហគមន៍, organizational and institutional.
- Meetings to identify individual and collective purposes that lead to commitment to transforming our life and act as our mission in the Maya worldview
- Meetings to provide knowledge exchange knowledge registered in the Mayan calendar, focusing on the spiritual, social and scientific
- Conducting ceremonies
- Messages to mankind
- Ulew Saq, Huehuetenango • saqrib’al Chu, San Andrés Sajcabajá.
- Q’umarkaj, Santa Cruz del Quiche • Su’n Pa, Patzun, Chimaltenango
- Iximche, Tecpan, Chimaltenango • Ab’aj B’alam, Boca Costa, Solola
- Q’aminal Juyub ‘• Tz’unun Guatemala City, San Jose Peten.
- Tikal, Peten • Q’ana Itzam, Cahabon Alta Verapaz
- Chi ‘Batz, Tactic, A.V.
We call upon the Maya and other peoples of Guatemala to join and participate in these celebrations, according to the worldview expressed through the Mayan Calendar.