Sacred Natural Sites at the ISE Congress in Montpellier, फ्रान्स

Montpellier Botanical Garden

The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative will host an Academic Session and cohost one day Indigenous Forum at the International Conference of the International Society of Etnobiologists in Montpellier (फ्रान्स, 20-15व्या of May, 2012).

These are links to resource documents whilst short descriptions of the sessions are provided below:

सोमवारी 21 मे, पासून 14:30 - 16:00

Academic Session: “Sacred lands – dynamic archetypes for changing times” (सत्र 35).

The Session will focus on aspects such as public awareness; oral history and linguistics; threats and dialogues between groups and social, cultural and ecological connectivity in the landscape.

अगोदर निर्देश केलेल्या बाबीसंबंधी बोलताना venue for this session is the Botanical Institute येथे 158 Rue Auguste Broussonnet, 1 km walk from Le Corum , click येथे for a map with directions.

Tuesday 22 मे, पासून 9:00 - 17:30.

Indigenous Forum: “Sacred Sites and their custodians: restoring culture and strengthening voices”.

The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative will host the Indigenous Forum together with The Gaia Foundation and the Sacred Land Film Project. The Indigenous Forum aims to build resilience to deal with the threats of climate change, extractive industries and loss of ancestral territories. The objective of the day is to share strategies for supporting sacred natural sites to face today’s threats.

अगोदर निर्देश केलेल्या बाबीसंबंधी बोलताना venue for this Forum is the House of International Relations which is next to Le Corum. The address is 49 Descente en Barrat.

For more information on the congress follow this link.

या पोस्टवर टिप्पणी