Ohranjanje Izkušnje: Sveti griči Dai v Yunnan, Kitajska.


Sveti Natural Sites Pobuda redno funkcije "ohranjanje" Izkušnje iz skrbniki, zaščitena območja menedžerjev, znanstveniki in drugi. Ta objava ima izkušnje profesorja Pei Shengi iz Kunming Inštitutu za botaniko in kitajske akademije znanosti. prof. Pei has worked as an ethno biologist and ethnographer in the Yunnan province of southern China for several decades. His work on holy forests of the Dai is part of a broader body of work, which he has been leading into this area and has been broadly published. Besides an academic angle on the developments in the region he founded the Center za biotsko raznovrstnost in avtohtona znanja, which also offers hands on help for consultation and development for biocultural conservation in rural areas. Preberite Celotna študija primera.

Votivni ponudbe, ki v Sveti Hill gozdu. Source Pei Shengji.

Votivni ponudbe, ki v Sveti Hill gozdu. Source Pei Shengji.

The holy hills presented this conservation experience are located at the Southside of the hills, part of the Yunnan Province and lie in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, priznano kot UNESCO Man in Biosphere Reserve. Čeprav pokriva manj kot 0.2 odstotkov celotne površine zemljišč na Kitajskem, da vsebuje od 20 odstotkov držav in zabeleženih vrst, zaradi česar je najbogatejše območje biotske raznovrstnosti v državi. Prav tako gosti trinajst etničnih skupin Yunnan je, večinoma živijo v tropskih in subtropskih območjih celinske. V zadnjih letih, so bile vzpostavljene rezerve, da nasprotuje nevarnosti, ki jih gospodarske in demografske rasti.

The Dai are the most abundant ethnic group of the Prefecture believe that some sacred forests on Holy Hills (Nong) so prebivališče bogov. Rastline in živali, ki živijo v teh gozdovih so njihovi spremljevalci, skupaj z duhovi umrlih prednikov, ki se preselijo v teh gozdovih po njihovi smrti. Do približno 50 leti, ti gozdovi so bili zaščiteni s tradicionalnih institucij, ki jih duhovni vodja moškega vodstvom (Ben) lokalne vasi. Today the future of the forests is under threat from a range of changes in society including agricultural modernisation, market based production and shifts in local values and beliefs.

The story of the Holy hills is both beautiful and tragic but the last word on it has not been said, read the full case study to learn more: Sveti griči Dai: Avtonomni prefekturi v provinci Yunnan, Kitajska.







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