I-Asia Ephakathi: Isitatimende Sokukhishwa Kwama-Sacred Sites Stewards

Umkhosi Womlilo

AmaShaman, izishoshovu zamasiko kanye nabasebenza ngokomoya abavela emhlabeni wonke bahlangane muva nje ezintabeni zase-Asia Ephakathi ukwenza umkhosi wokuvikela amasayithi angcwele. Leli qembu lihlangane izinsuku ezine e-Uch Enmek yemvelo ethno-park eKarakol, lapho - phakathi kwezwe elidonsa umoya - lenze umkhosi womdabu womlilo owenzelwe ukubiza "iMimoya yaseAltai."

The group, comprised of representatives from the Altai Republic, the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk region, the Republic Sakha-Yakutia, Kamchatka of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, USA and Great Britain, released a statement about their rights to protect their sacred sites thatwas addressed to world leaders, its own peoples, and to the international community.

Click here to download the Statement in English.
Click here to download the Statement in Russian

Umthombo: christensenfund.org

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