Conservation Experience: Amasayithi Engcwele e Bandjoun, West Cameroon


Engcwele Yemvelo Amasayithi Initiative njalo izici "Okuhlangenwe Nakho Conservation" ka abawuhloniphayo, abaphathi ezivikelekile, ososayensi nabanye. Lokhu okuthunyelwe kuveza okuhlangenwe nakho kukaMnu. USébastien Luc Kamga-Kamdem PhD okumanje usebenzisana neCentral African Protended Areas Network (I-RAPAC). USébastien ubesebenza kumasayithi emvelo angcwele eBandjoun, West Cameroon and has identified the need for cultural as well as biological restoration methods for these special places. Chofoza lapha ukuze ufunde Indaba eyimpumelelo esigcwele ku "Amasayithi Engcwele e Bandjoun, West Cameroon“.

Akhiwe sokuqondisa Bandjoun, Tchuep-Poumougne kuyinto endaweni bayazesaba ezinenzuzo engokomoya kwayo. Esikhathini esidlule endaweni infuence yayo ayehlanganisa yonke Pete Ikota. Ngenxa yokuphila yasedolobheni kakhulu ezizungezile namagugu awo nezemvelo sezenze unqabile kuphela umnyombo izinsalela engcwele. Photo; Sébastien Luc Kamga-Kamdem (2008).

Akhiwe sokuqondisa Bandjoun, Tchuep-Poumougne kuyinto endaweni bayazesaba ezinenzuzo engokomoya kwayo. Esikhathini esidlule endaweni infuence yayo ayehlanganisa yonke Pete Ikota. Ngenxa yokuphila yasedolobheni kakhulu ezizungezile namagugu awo nezemvelo sezenze unqabile kuphela umnyombo izinsalela engcwele. Photo; Sébastien Luc Kamga-Kamdem (2008).

Endaweni Bandjoun eNtshonalanga laseCameroon amanga izindawo ezihlukahlukene beqonda njengelingcwele abantu bendawo. They are the core remnants of sites that were historically a lot more extensive representing the identity of tribes and communities in the region such as family shrines and community gathering places. Umsebenzi wabe amasayithi kakhulu ngukukhonza wonkulunkulu. Yize emvelweni kulawa masayithi zemvelo engcwele akunakwa kuze kube manje, baziwa benomuzwa izilwane kanye nezitshalo okuye kakhulu wanyamalala nezindawo ezizungezile.

Traditional leaders stated that the survival of sacred areas is not threatened because these areas are strongly linked with the community identity and thus well taken care off. Nevertheless, they worry about the strength of the cultural fabric that has upheld sacred natural sites. Changing attitude of young people who are becoming increasingly materialistic cause them to disobey toboos and show lest respect for ancestral beliefs. Namuhla, abantu abaningi basebenzisa ezindaweni ezingcwele ngaphandle ekwazisa umgcini zabo, ekhombisa ukuguguleka nenkambiso yamasiko. izinsongo angeziwe ukhiye sezihlonziwe, kodwa iningi bangaphansi mpikiswano phakathi nabantu baleyondawo.

Phakathi namakhulu eminyaka, abantu Bandjoun baye ukuphathwa uhlelo kakhokho amasayithi zemvelo engcwele. Indawo amasayithi yemvelo kanye lulwimi zemvelo engcwele elibonakala abaholi abangokomoya okuqalwe (MkamSi). Nakuba iningi ziye eside zaziwa, the location of a sacred area is not immutable and can be changed for reasons like road construction or socio-political reorientation. ngokuvamile, endaweni ngayinye engcwele ize ngaphansi wemfanelo wokuba umgcini walo mcebo ngokuthi Nongtchuép. He is oyolandisa iminikelo nemihlatshelo, ezingenza futhi igunya nomele. The initiated elders are universal custodians. Banelungelo ukusebenza wonke amasayithi yokukhulekela.

Ukuqhubeka enkulu asekelayo ukongiwa ezindaweni ezingcwele kungaba ukuqashelwa ngokomthetho, ukuqwashisa umphakathi kukhuphuke, izinguquko encishisiwe negative ekusetshenzisweni kwemihlaba nasekuyiqapheleni kangcono ukubaluleka kwabo eziphathelene nenhlalo namasiko kanye emvelweni. Ukuze sifinyelele Konke okungenhla kuzodinga ukubandakanywa nabathintekayo wendawo, amazinga kazwelonke international. Funda kabanzi.


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