Bas Verschuuren

Bas Verschuuren
Bas е изследовател холандски свободна практика и координатор на проекта и основен член на EarthCollective, международна мрежа от социални и екологични предприемачи партньорска към партньорската, вземане на положителни идеи се случват. Тъй като 2006 Bas служи като съ-председател на Експертната група на IUCN на културните и духовните ценности на защитените територии в рамките на Световната комисия за защитените територии.

Bas has over 15 years of experience in doing applied research and supporting biocultural conservation projects with a wide range of local and indigenous communities, conservation NGO’s, governments and research institutes on a variety of projects around the world. Bas holds an MSc. in Environmental Systems Analysis, a BSc. in Forest and Nature Management and is currently a PhD candidate focusing on worldviews and indigenous sciences in conservation practice, управление и политика.

Bas has worked on sacred natural sites for quite some time and he gives talks at international conferences and lectures at universities on the topic. He has published widely, authoring websites, членове, reports and books. He is the lead editor of “Sacred Natural Sites: Conserving Nature and Culture” and also a member of the Editorial Board of “PARKS, The International Journal of Protected Areas.” He enjoys inspiring and being inspired by the diversity of people, nature and knowledge represented by the world’s sacred natural sites.