CVNI agus Pronatura láthair Láithreáin Naofa Mheicsiceo ag Delos III


Santiago Jaime Mariscal (Pronatura) Bass agus Verschuuren (CVNI & IUCN CSVPA) cuairt ar chríocha na Mayos agus an Seris sa bhfásach cósta chomh maith leis na sléibhte sneachta clúdaithe den Tarahumara.

Ag Delos III, the presentation will focus on three different sacred sites in Mayo territories that come under different governance arrangements and land tenures which leads to a variety of conservation opportunities to be explored. Delos III focuses on conserving the integrity of sacred natural sites in technologically developed countries’ and will be helt from the 1st till the 3rd of June in Inari Finland.

Na cuspóirí seo a leanas a comhaontaíodh le haghaidh an chruinnithe seo ná an tríú Delos ag obair:

  • Meas suíomh nádúrtha naofa a bhaineann le chreidimh dúchasacha agus mionlaigh i dtíortha i mbéal forbartha teicneolaíochta (bunaithe ar an bpobal Sami san Fhionlainn, An tSualainn, San Iorua agus sa Rúis).
  • Treoir do bhainistiú inbhuanaithe na príomhshrutha naofa / tailte naofa.

Pronatura and CVNI’s joint presentation aims to contribute to discussion on the two objectives above. Sacred sites in Mexico have known long periods of syncretism and Pronatura’s experience with the methodology it has developed will be key for delivering advice on developing further guidance on this matter. The Delos Initiative on ‘sacred natural sites in technologically developed countries’ was launched in 2004, in the framework of the Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas of IUCN/WCPA. Is é an Tionscnamh comhordaithe go comhpháirteach ag Thymio Papayannis (Med-Ina) agus Josep-Maria Mallarach (Silene). Dhá cheardlann Delos eile a bheith eagraithe go dtí seo. Delos1 i Montsarat (Chatalóin), Spain on 23-26 Samhain 2006 and Delos2 in Ouranoupolis (Mt Athos), Greece on 24-28 Samhain 2007. Their proceedings were published in 2007 agus 2009.


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