Svete Gozdovi Zanzibar je – Veliko večje od njihove velikosti!

Guardian Mzee Ali Khamis Ali pojasnjuje zgodovino svetega gozda Pange Juu na otoku Vundwe, Zanzibar

V decembru last zainteresirane leto zbrali, da bi pregledali ohranjanje dejavnosti, katerih cilj je zaščita številne svete Zanzibar je nasadov, znane kot "Misitu ya Jadi’ v angleščini. Eden od glavnih spoznanja, je, da so kljub temu razmeroma majhna in skromna postave izredno pomembno za kulturo, Zgodovina, Arheologija, geologija, ohranjanja narave in okoljske storitve. They also play an important role in the fabric of Zanzibar’s life especially at the village level, Tako je njihova vloga znatno "Večja od njihove velikosti”. Cultural and economic changes mean, Vendar pa, , da so se razgradi, poškodovani in uničeni tudi popolna.

Delo v zadnjem letu in pol je bilo vključenih biološko raziskavo 10 svete gozdovi 6 vasi v južni regiji Zanzibar Island, socialna raziskava njihovih skrbnikov in skupnosti, kmetijsko gospodarstvo deležnikov delavnice za načrtovanje 43 people drawn from different stakeholders and the development of management plans for two of the sacred forests. Also accomplished has been the making of two community films and the collection of Swahili language oral histories in both film and written transcripts. Slovenski prevodi so bili tudi.

Skrbništvo svetega Groves od Sacred Natural Sites na Vimeo.

Delavnica za interesne skupine ravnati po gozdnih varuhov: Na 14. december 2012, the key organisations came together to review these activities and reflect on what the next steps might look like. Importantly the guardians of the forests themselves guide this process and they have been actively involved in the programme and planning for the future. One participant Musa Hassan Mwambe, Varuh Marembwe svetega gozda, se nahaja v vasi dejal Makanduchi; “Mi varuhi so zadovoljni s sodelovanjem in bi rad spoznal z več skrbnikov in razpravljali o oblikovanju mreže ali morda združenje”. Other activities during the week were meetings, focus group discussions and field visits. The workshop included the forest guardians, ključne vladne službe, podporo organizacijam civilne družbe, medtem ko je v vasi so bile pomembne razprave z drugimi skrbniki, lokalne skupnosti in člani turistične ponudnike.

Izzivi Sacred Groves od Sacred Natural Sites na Vimeo.

20,000 leta uporabo v humani medicini: Socialno so gozdovi pogosto povezane z zgodovinsko ustanovitev posebne vasi, ali so povezane z izvorom posameznih družin in predniki spoštovati obiskov v nasadih imajo molitve in da ponudbo. V nekaterih primerih letna srečanja vključujejo "Ngoma’ ki pleše s posebnimi ritmi drum. Pogosto sveto mesto je sama jama apnenec pogosto z vzmetjo, dobro ali bazen, formed within ancient raised coral reef rock. Recent archeological evidence has shown a much older human connection with evidence of occupation as long ago as 20,000 leta.

Tehnično znan kot "sistem kraškega’ the caves can go for miles and much of the island is riddled with such systems often supporting important water lens. The water provides fresh water for dry season community use and in some cases have become the main village water supply. Kast caves have their own specialist wildlife and are home to bats and unique cave creatures that have yet to be explored. Thus while the cave or geological feature is usually the cultural focus and forest provides the ‘clothingoffering cool and shady conditions. Within local protocols it is prohibited to cut trees or hunt animals in the groves and so they have been, vsaj do nedavnega, varno zatočišče za divje živali.

Bogata pri divjih živalih: Biološko raziskovalno delo, ki je potrdila, da so gozdovi veliko bogatejši biotske raznovrstnosti od okoliškega gozda in kmetijskih površinah, much of which is becoming increasingly degraded. They provide refuges for local animals such as the endemic Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey and two species of Elephant Shrew. They are also rich in plants with the 10 gozdovi, ki skupaj znaša manj kot 10 hektarjev meri podpirata več 70 rastlinskih vrst, many of which are becoming increasingly rare. 10 species have been noted that cannot be identified locally. Given that Zanzibar is part of one of the most important global hotspots for nature the biological riches of the forests may not be so surprising.

What is perhaps more surprising that despite their importance the sacred forests have remained hidden and often over looked. The do not figure widely in conservation or other government policies and the forests are easy to miss. Villagers tend not to talk about them much, celo med samimi, and new residents can live right next to them for years without knowing their significance. Given Zanzibar’s tourist boom the island has a large number of new residents from many places in the world who are unfamiliar with this aspect of Zanzibar culture and life.

Mi varuhi so zadovoljni s sodelovanjem in bi rad spoznal z več varuhov, da bi razpravljali oblikovanju mreže ali morda združenje” Musa Hassan Ambe, Varuh Marembwe svetega gozda, Makanduchi vasi, južna, Zanzibar.

Biotska raznovrstnost hotspot ogrožena: Kraji visoke živali in rastlin sorte so tudi imenovanih "vročih točk’ because they are critically threatened. Zanzibar is no different and rapid economic development, tourism expansion population growth has put significant demands on the social and ecological systems. Cultural changes mean that some, zlasti mlajše generacije, izgubljajo zanimanje za kulturo in religijo, povpraševanje po zemljiščih za razvoj turizma je močno povečalo, medtem ko je potreba po gradbenih materialov, se je razvila v lakoti! This hunger combined with the real poverty of many rural inhabitants has left most of the areas forests no more than a low scrub. This has meant that attention has turned to sacred forests for timber, drogovi in ​​drva in tabuji, ki so prestale preizkus časa se zrušijo, large trees are being felled and poles from them sold to Zanzibar town. Hundreds if not thousands of years of history are being extinguished for a few Tanzanian shillings to no meaningful gain in comparison to the diverse cultural and biological riches that are being lost. Often the cutting is being carried out by the youth of the same families whose elders despair at their loss of control and the changing culture around them.

Svete Groves začenja štetje: Zdaj, Vendar pa, Morda je zdaj čas za boljše razumevanje o "Misitu ya Jadi’ and them start to count. In fact starting to count them has been the first step. This work has been led by the local non-government organisation ZAZOSO Zanzibar Zoological Society. A team of ZAZOSO biologists and foresters has been working with the site guardians to map and record the locations, Meje, družbenih vrednot in biologija 10 sites. It is important that the guardians not only give their permission for this but guide the process so that the local regulations and norms are followed. All the data will be returned to the guardians in a form that is useful to them and they guide how it can be stored and used.

Filmi v skupnosti: Druga Zanzibar nevladne organizacije Mwambao Skupnosti Obalno omrežje ( has taken a lead on the social development component training guardians and other community members in film making. This has used a specific technique call ‘Participatory Video (PV)’ to pomeni, da v okolici 10 dni 12 člani skupnosti lahko načrtujejo in filmske posnetke skupnosti 2 – impresivna feat za tiste, ki so v večini primerov ni nikoli potekala pred kamero. See also news item:

Strategija Delavnica: Ključne delavnice Priporočila so naslednja:

  • Varuhi izpolnila in če upoštevamo oblikovanju mreže za komuniciranje skupaj in sprejeti usklajene ukrepe za zaščito njihovih območij,
  • Za nadaljevanje kotacijo in nadzor dela, da bi bolje razumeli svete gozdove,
  • Za razvoj zavesti in komunikacijske programa na vasi in na nacionalni ravni, zlasti pri delu z oblikovalci mladinske politike in,
  • Za razvoj sveto strategijo ohranjanja gozdov,
  • Sprejeti ukrepe, da se obrne na krčenje gozdov s spodbujanjem obnove gozdov na njihovih robovih.
  • Izboljšanje politične in pravne ukrepe za zaščito svete gozdov.

The Zanzibar Forest Department je opravljal nadzor in podporo dejavnostim, kot je Turizem Department in Arhivski oddelekin recognition of the historic and cultural values. Technical advice and fund raising has been provided by the Sacred Natural Sites Initiative a member of the IUCN Specialist Group on the Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas. The work has been funded by the Christensen Fund, (ZDA) New England Biolabs Foundation, (ZDA) in Terralingua (ZDA in Kanada).

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