
The loss of cultural knowledge and the threat that brings to the sacred lands on Coron Island, Philipines

Entrance to kayangan Lake, sacred to the Calamian Tagbanwa
Coron Island is an archipelago full of coral reefs, brackish lagoons, mangrovy, limestone forests and flourishing biodiversity. There are ten lakes in the area considered sacred by the Calamian Tagbanwa, called Panyaan’s. The lakes are also officially recognised by the state as indigenous ancestral territories. In the face of increasing development pressures such as mining […]

Zkušenosti s ochranou přírody: Mapping Winti practices and sacred groves for protection of the forests of Suriname.

Sacred ceiba pentandra
During the era of the slave trade Winti religion travelled with the African people to Suriname where they established a new connection to the land and their ancestors. Dnes, their descendants still use many medicinal and spiritual herbs from the groves for their sacred rituals and healing ceremonies.   The Winti belief emphasizes protection of […]

Zkušenosti s ochranou přírody: Invite the gods and goddesses for protection, Juju Island, Jižní Korea

Near the Gureombi village on the South-Korean island of Jeju, Shamans pray to the ocean for abundance and prosperity. They perform the Chogamje ceremony where they invite the 18.000 Gods and Goddesses from the ocean into the sacred place. Before the gods enter the site it must first be purified. For thousands of years these […]

A Call for Legal Recognition of Sacred Natural Sites in Africa

Call to action
“A Call for Legal Recognition of Sacred Natural Sites and Territories, and their Customary Governance Systems” was released by Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network. The report provides the African Commission on Human and PeoplesRights with persuasive and substantive arguments relating to a core element of original African traditions and calls for a decisive […]

Zkušenosti s ochranou přírody: Mniši na hoře Athos, Řecko

2Thymio Gregorius
Byzantský císař Basil I. udělil mnichům jediné právo vstupu na poloostrov Mount Athos v r. 885 INZERÁT. Vybudovali vzkvétající náboženskou komunitu a od té doby udržovali a chránili ekosystém. Jejich řízení spočívá především v kontrole vstupu a regulaci dřevařských postupů. The peninsula is officially recognized as a […]

Pouť na kánoích na ostrov Boreray, Skotsko

Boreray kánoe
Pro Lewise vychoval poradce SNSI Alastaira McIntoshe, nafouknout kánoi a projet se s ní po Hebridských ostrovech nebyl příběh o hrdinské venkovní aktivitě. Alistair, který se již dlouho zabývá čtením duší krajiny a zajímá se o hlubší propojení lidí s přírodou, headed out for a pilgrimage to the sacred […]