보존 경험: 수리남의 숲을 보호하기 위해 Winti 관행과 신성한 숲을 매핑.

신성한 ceiba pentandra

노예 무역 시대에 Winti 종교는 아프리카 사람들과 함께 수리남으로 여행하여 땅과 조상과 새로운 연결을 설정했습니다.. 오늘, 그들의 후손들은 신성한 의식과 치유 의식을 위해 숲에서 나온 많은 약초와 영적 약초를 여전히 사용합니다..


The Winti belief emphasizes protection of the ecosystem. This is partly out of fear for repercussions from spirits. For example it is forbidden to harvest certain plants and sacred areas can only be entered after elaborate explanations of the reasons of the visit to the spirits. Spirits have to be feared, respected and appeased. For example no Winti would ever assist in felling a Ceiba tree, a Parkia tree or a strangler fig because they do not want to disturb their supernatural inhabitants.

A ritual herbal bath for happiness and good luck, Paramaribo

A ritual herbal bath for happiness and good luck, Paramaribo


The main threats to the sacred groves are multinationals who are interested in hardwood, 미네랄, oil and other natural resources out of the groves. This poses a danger to the Winti because the state often owns the land and subsoil and Winti’s sacred places are not recognized by the state.


In new planning policies however Winti followers are slowly recognised as legitimate partners. Efforts for mapping Winti sacred places are under development. Also many Winti followers joined in a coalition with the Amazon Conservation Teamwho support Trio and Wayana Indians. Also Ndyuka maroons are assisted with mapping their territories. One small success already made is by an association of Maroon village leaders who now participate in decision making on exploitation of the land.


Winti belief and African healing traditions have travelled from Africa to Suriname and from Suriname to Netherlands in western Europe. 교수. 박사. Tinde van Andel at Wageningen University and Naturalis in the Netherlands, researches the medicinal and spiritual use of plans by Winti along this route and has published on the need for conservation of Winti sites in Suriname. See for more information the 사례 연구 on the website.

by: Rianne Doller

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