Kontes fotografi International mengundang Anda untuk memotret situs alam suci

Situs Alam Suci

Kontes fotografi internasional, didedikasikan untuk sejarah situs alam suci, adalah terhitung. Tujuan dari kontes ini adalah untuk memperingati warisan budaya dan alam situs alam suci, untuk merekam keadaan mereka saat ini, serta untuk mendorong orang untuk mengunjungi dan merawat situs suci.

Tema kontes adalah sejarah, natural (not built) situs suci: sacred groves and hills, water bodies, pohon, stones and other natural objects where our ancestors used to pray, heal, sacrifice, commune and perform other rituals.

The contest’s grand prize is 1,000 euros, and there is also a youth prize of 200 eurosfor those up to, and including, age 16; and a special ‘Ural Peoples’ prize of 300 euros. Selain itu, a number of special prizes will be handed out in the following categories: grove, sacred tree, stone, water body, offering, pain of the sacred grove, story, nature conservation and more. Images taken in other parts of the world are welcome too.

Photos can be uploaded until 31 Oktober 2016 to the website here.

Winners will be honoured at an award ceremony in Tartu, Estonia, at the end of 2016.

screen shot 2016-07-01 di 14.27.02The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) considers sacred natural sites to be the oldest natural protection areas of humanity, and of Estonia. Many indigenous peoples have sacred natural sites that belong to a common heritage of humanity.

The photography contest is taking place for the ninth time and is organised by heritage organisations active in Estonia: the Hiite Maja Foundation, the union of the followers of the Estonian indigenous religion Maavalla koda, and the University of Tartu Centre of Sacred Natural Sites. The contest is sponsored by the Kindred Peoples Programme, the Estonian Folklore Archives, Wiedemanni Translation Bureau and many other organisations and enterprises.

Previous year’s grand prize winning photos:

More information can be found di sini

Press release: 1.07.2016
Informasi:Mana Kaasik; Telepon: +372 56 93 212; kuva@hiis.ee

Satu Respon
  • Martin Gray Agustus 11, 2016

    I submitted several photographs of natural sacred sites for the competition and would like to know if they were received. Please let me know.

    Martin Gray

    Tempat Perdamaian dan Kekuasaan
