Общинные Экотуризм в Тафи Atome Обезьяна Sanctuary, Гана

The main road through Tafi Atome Village in the Volta region in Ghana. The sacred grove known as a ‘Monkey Sanctuary’ harbours a population of endemic monkeys and has been protected and restored by the local people through an eco-tourism project. (Источник: S. Symon)

Деревня Тафи Atome имеет более 1000 жителей и находится в пределах Hohoe районный Вольта в Гане. Residents speak Ewe. The village is surrounded by a sacred grove of approximately 28 есть. The grove is a semi-deciduous forest and lies within the forest-savannah transitional zone. It is immediately surrounded by grassland and cultivated farmland. Роще вписывается в МСОП охраняемой территории Категория IV, мест обитания и / или области управления видами. Территория охраняется 2006 Hohoe района постановление для его главная ценность в качестве мест обитания обезьян священными Мона (Cercopithecus Mona Mona).

По словам жителей, приблизительно 200 лет назад, Предки жителей области Tafi Atome, как говорят, мигрировали из Assini в центральной Ганы в районный Hohoe. Они привезли с собой идола или фетиша, который был помещен в священный лес в Tafi Atome, для того, чтобы держать его в безопасности и прохладно. В лесу было немедленно считается священным и поэтому защищены. A short time after their arrival in the area, the village residents began to notice monkeys that they believed they had seen in their original region of Assini, and therefore believed that the monkeys had followed them. The monkeys were henceforth considered ‘representatives of the gods’, and protected as sacred.


В 1980-х годах, местного христианского лидера принесли противоположные взгляды на традиционное право, , которые привели к ухудшению духовные связи с лесными фетиш и эрозия традиционных защиты. Жители сократить экономически жизнеспособных деревьев, особенно вокруг священной роще, пока экологическая организация не помогло еще раз подтверждаем, защиту рощи в 1990-х годах. Существует непрекращающееся давление со стороны местных жителей, чтобы очистить леса для сельскохозяйственных угодий и рубить деревья. Существует также наплыв туристов кормить обезьян Мона.

Под угрозой, there is on-going pressure from local residents to clear the forests for farmland.

The community, including the Tourism Management Committee, works with organizations including the Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC) to pursue tourism in order to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the sacred grove.

В 1995, the Accra-based Nature Conservation Research Centre visited the village of Tafi Atome and found the sacred forest in a state of degradation. В 1996, a community-based ecotourism project was started in the village. В 1997, mahogany trees were planted to demarcate the boundary of the sanctuary in order to halt future encroachment of farmland upon the forest edge. 1n 1998, a tourist welcome centre was built to serve as the first point of contact for tourists arriving at the village. It was funded by the community and by external donors. The opinion of the villagers was evaluated in surveys between 2004 и 2006.

Сохранение средств
Mention the conservation tools or approaches that have been used or developed to support the work on the sacred natural sites. These can be tools or methods used for inventory or monitoring of plants and animals or for developing community capacity and strengthening of cultural values of the site and its people. The use of planning tools and guidelines should also be mentioned, for example the IUCN UNESCO Sacred Natural Sites Guidelines for Protected Area Managers by Wild and McLeod.

Tafi Atome Village in the Volta region in Ghana contains a sacred grove known as the ‘Monkey Sanctuary’. The Sanctuary harbours a population of endemic monkeys which have have been protected for many generations. (Источник: A. Ormsby)

Права и политики

Describe the most important policies and law that support or hinder the conservation of sacred natural sites and species. В 2006, the Hohoe District passed official bylaws including restrictions to enter the forest sanctuary, to damage trees, to farm within the protected area, or to kill animals in the grove.

Community members participating in the 2004 и 2006 surveys said the cultural values of the community have improved as a result of tourism promotion. The arrival of tourists has also brought tourism income, which is distributed among stakeholders (e.g. fetish priest, chiefs) and used for community development, compensation for the landowners of the sanctuary, and educational funds.
