
Experiencia de Conservación: Community crocodile conservation in the Niger Delta, Nixeria.

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In the Niger delta, the Biseni and Osiami people live together in harmony with local crocodiles. The lakes were the crocodiles live lakes are considered sacred and the crocodiles are seen as brothers to the Bisini and Osiami. Whenever a crocodile dies it gets a funeral just like a human being. This co-existence is threatened […]

Mining Sacred WorldsFilm Festival in Wageningen Netherlands

Captura de pantalla 2015-09-16 en 17.57.34
This four-day film festival (oct 5-8) with dialogues from guest speakers takes place at Movie W Film Theatre in Wageningen Netherlands. The festival evolves around the mining boom currently threatening the environment, people and indigenous communities around the world. It highlights the impacts on indigenous peoples’ sacred places and their ways of living, seeing and […]

Sagrados lugares naturais, spirituality and religion at the International Congress of Conservation Biology, Francia.

Captura de pantalla 2015-08-17 en 09.21.19
The tweets prior to the event showed this years’ hot issues at the International Congress of Conservation Biology (ICCB) in Montpellier France would be ‘drones’ and ‘religion’. As part of the latter, SNSI was invited collaborate in a session on the role of faith and spirituality in conservation organised by the Society on Conservation Biology’s […]

Sagrados sitios naturais no Congreso Mundial de Parques da IUCN en Sydney, Australia 2014

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Tendo lugar en Sydney en Australia en novembro deste ano, o Congreso Mundial de Parques da IUCN (WPC) ocorre cada dez anos e define o calendario para as áreas protexidas de planificación, xestión e gobernanza a nivel mundial. En 2003 o evento foi realizado en Durban Sudáfrica baixo o patrocinio de Nelson Mandela, que dixo: Non vexo ningún futuro para parques, […]

Progresos en Asia sagrados sitios naturais: Publicación e Estudos de Casos

Vata Puja en curso. Crese que a árbore Ficus é o rei de todas as árbores, pola súa resistencia e lonxevidade.
The Sacred Sitios Naturais Initiative, IUCN Oficina Rexional de Asia e da Comisión Mundial de Áreas Protexidas en Xapón están a desenvolver unha publicación titulada: Asian Sagrados sitios naturais: Filosofía e Práctica en Áreas Protexidas e Conservación. The publication is part of the Asian Network Project that kicked off at the first Asian Parks Congress in Sendai […]

Capacitar comunidades gardiás en Guatemala

Reunión comunitaria
O Sagrado Sitios Natural Iniciativa e Oxlajuj Ajpop, the National Council of Maya Spiritual Leaders in Guatemala have been working together for over four years now. What started as a collaboration to get broader and international support for the Law Initiative of Sacred Sites in Guatemala has grown into a country programme that is actively […]