Pandan mwa avril 2013 patisipatif videyo (PV) fòmasyon te pote soti nan vil la nan San Andres Sacjabja nan distri a kich nan Gwatemala. Fòmasyon an te yon pati nan yon angajman long tèm gadyen nan sit sakre nan distri a nan Quiché ak 'Oxlajuj Ajpop' (yon endijèn òganizasyon Maya) an kolaborasyon ak Sakre Inisyativ Natirèl Sit. Pwogram nan, funded by Hoja Verde Foundation, objektif pou amelyorasyon nan kominote dirab ak ki apwopriye kiltirèlman ak- ki baze sou forè ak jesyon resous natirèl.
Fòmasyon nan patisipe 19 manb ki soti nan kominote yo nan Buena Vista ak Rij Juyub, nan minisipalite a nan San Andres Sajcabaja, ak 2 from the community of Chupol in the Chichicastenango municipality. Four members from San Andres Sajcabaja completed the entire training, pandan y ap 2 manb ki soti nan Chupol ranpli aspè teknik yo nan fòmasyon an nan preparasyon pou pote soti pwòp yo patisipatif fòmasyon videyo nan yon dat apre.
Videyo a prensipal konsantre sou defi yo valè ak konsèvasyon nan forè mòn lokal yo, pou popilasyon an kòm yon antye, and on their spiritual importance for the Mayan people in particular. The second shorter video documented the ceremony carried out at the local important natural sacred site of Chusaqrib’al on the 13th Avril. The videos were planned and filmed by the participants themselves.
Forest nan zòn nan se anba presyon kontinye pou peyi agrikòl ak bwa kòm kominote kwit anpil sou bwa dife. Anpil zòn nan forè yo te tou soufri nan dife, patikilyèman pandan sezon ki sèk la ka tou lòt zòn yo te menase pa min.
Menm si li se pafwa yon batay, nou pa dwe bay moute. Thanks to Oxlajuj Ajpop we are starting to organise ourselves and are talking about these issues.’ Don Miguel Castro tradisyonèl gran soti nan San Andres Maya Sacjabja.
Village elders and custodians were interviewed and opinions and recommendations sought as part of the film-making. The training exercise culminated in participatory editing and showing to community members. The films are in the local language of Quiché and will soon be subtitled in both Spanish and English.
Se enpòtans ki genyen nan kouvèti forè mòn pou pwoteksyon nan sous dlo ak pwovizyon nan dlo a moun ki rete lokal ensiste pandan fim nan prensipal, emphasizing the need for water in all aspects of daily life. Lorna Slade patisipatif videyo antrenè.
Recommendations have been given by villagers for actions needed to conserve remaining forests and sacred natural sites with a great emphasis on awareness raising and community organization. The application of local and national laws relevant to forest and sacred site protection is key to this and has been discussed by the villagers as part of the film and the participatory process that lead up to it.
Mèsi ale soti nan tout nan vilaj yo, Oxlajuj Ajpop ak PV fòmatè Lorna Slade ak Sophie Conin. A screening, ki gen ladan otorite lokal yo, has already been scheduled in the village for May 26th.