Nyldy-Ata gorj: Konplèks nan Sit Sakre nan Kyrgyzstan

View of the Nyldy-Ata from the top.
Nyldy-Ata is situated in the rocky area in the Echkilüü Mountain gorge of Ozgorush village, Talas pwovens, nan Nò a nan Kyrgyzstan. The entire gorge is connected to a complex of sacred sites. The water emerges from a cone-shape hollow (diameter ~ 1 M) in the western side of a big flat stone. Water streams through a waterfall (~ 40 M) going eastwards where it ultimately leaves the valley. Below the waterfall, on the northern side of the gorge, there is a cave in the mountain with sacred water dripping from the wall. Custodians call the site a court. Gen chita Mats ak istansil ak twa fwaye apwopriye pou chodron gwo pou pèlren ak netwayè. This is the sacred site Ordo – the center of the Nyldy Ata. The Nyldy Ata complex encompasses 22 sit sakre. They are all located in the Echkilüü Mountains at the foothills of Chong-Tuyuk and Kichi-Tuyuk.

Ki dènye nouvèl
The water level and the emerging springs in the well are decreasing, perhaps because of climate change. The gorge is large and unfenced, so shepherds herd animals, defiling the brooks. The spiritual sphere and indigenous culture are under serious pressure from various businesses, as well as from various religions. According to the Islam for example, worshipping sacred sites is a sin. Islam practitioners prohibit visits to sacred sites and have been trying to destroy such sites.

Moun Kirgizstan gade nan tèt yo nan inite ak linivè a ak nati a ki antoure. Sky, plant yo ak dlo yo blòk yo bilding nan lanati. Pou pratik tradisyonèl li pa posib yo wè yon moun diferan de nati. Lè yo konekte ak lanati yon moun kapab kapab geri pa li. Gen opinyon diferan sou itilizasyon potansyèl geri yon sit sakre a. Dapre kèk vizitè "li se itil lè ou vini nan sit la ak volonte ak kwayans". Si gen yon koneksyon fèmen ant yon moun ak kote a, Lè sa a, rezilta yo souvan pozitif. Se konsa,, moun ki santi koneksyon an epi mwen konprann li gen vizyon komen sou kòman yo pwoteje sit la sakre. Lide kle ap elve konsyantizasyon piblik, ap resevwa legal rekonesans ak kenbe kote a pwòp epi nouri.

Ak 2004, the Aigine Cultural Research Center started researching the ancient tradition of pilgrimage to sacred sites with financial support of The Christensen Fund. Within two and a half years, the coalition had established several results. They had defined the location of 258 sacred sites in Talas oblast of Kyrgyzstan, interviewed hundreds of sacred site palmers, witnessed rituals and investigated biological diversity at numerous sacred sites.

Règleman ak Lwa
Youn nan priyorite yo nan Aigine se devlope legal pwoteksyon pou sit sakre. Dapre ekspè yo, epi transpòtè nan konesans tradisyonèl, pwoblèm santral yo se kèk règ yo reglemante konpòtman nan sit sa yo sakre nan Kyrgyzstan, ak rekonesans an nan siyifikasyon kiltirèl ak ekolojik yo. Depi kòmansman an, Aigine ap chache a fòme yon ekip balanse reprezante tout moun ki gen enterè yo devlope lwa sa yo. Majorite a nan sit sakre nan peyi a yo se inik nan bote yo ak pwoprete nan anviwònman an. Gen gwo potansyèl yo vire zòn sa yo nan sit nan rès popilè ak touris espirityèl.

Jenish Kudakeev is one of the approximately 150 guardians with whom Aigine Cultural Research Center is collaborating in Talas oblast. Li ki dwe nan gwoup la nan gadyen yo kategori kòm Shai'yks. Shai'yks yo se moun ki gade apre yon sit sakre, guide pilgrims and lead the ritual performances. Kòm yon règ, Shai'yks konnen istwa a ak karakteristik yo ki espesyal nan yon sit sakre. Shai'yks gen kapasite nan pratike geri tradisyonèl. Jenish Kudakeev has a particular characteristic: he is an ordinary person outside of the gorge, but when inside the gorge he is believed to possess certain extraordinary skills like the ability to heal people and to help them solve life problems and gain unique information for them.

Aigine Kiltirèl Research Center, ki kondwi konsèvasyon ak pwomosyon nan pasaj la Nyldy-Ata, kolabore avèk òganizasyon entènasyonal ak ekspètiz ak enterè nan divèsite kiltirèl ak byolojik, relijyon, espirityalite, tradisyon ak edikasyon, men tou avèk elèv nan Talas Inivèsite Eta, ak gadyen lokal.

Konsèvasyon zouti
Ak 2006, the Aigine Cultural Research Center fenced several sacred sites at Nyldy-Ata complex and hung signs at the entrance with rules for appropriate behavior. The center published a Kyrgyz book called “Blessed Nyldy-Ata” which includes descriptions, history of the site and stories and experiences of visitors. Ak 2008, the center built a restroom at Nyldy-Ata gorge. Aigine Cultural Research Center has invited Jenish Kudakeev to various workshops, seminars and conferences about sacred site conservation. At present, he and other local people guide the visitors and explain the rules for pilgrimage at the site.

The main outcome after two years of participatory research is the book Mazar Worship in Kyrgyzstan: Rituals and Practitioners in Talas. Through the work that Aigine Cultural Research Center has done to preserve, promote and conserve the Nyldy-Ata sacred sites complex, more people know about the sites and visit them in order to find solutions for their spiritual questions. Fason sa-a, the history of the sites is transmitted to the next generations.
