The Sacred Natural Site Initiative (as part of IUCN CSVPA), Gaia Foundation, Sacred Land Film Project & UNU-Traditional Knowledge Initiative are organizing several activities for a group of sacred natural sites custodians at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC).
The WCC in South Korea, Jeju Island in September 2012 presents an ideal opportunity to further activities in support of sacred natural sites and territories by:
- Increasing the voice of custodians at one of the largest conservation discussion forums;
- Advancing learning and policy advocacy in support of Sacred Natural Sites;
- Building support and momentum for a new motion “Sacred Natural Sites – Support for Custodian Protocols and Customary Laws in the face of global threats and challenges” Download the motion in English, Spanish or French
- Clarifying the role and remit of growing an alliance of custodians, scientists, conservation practitioners and others working for the recognition and protection of sacred natural sites and territories, confirming this is needed and how it might be organised
– 7 Sept, 0:8.00-15:30, Custodian Dialogue.
Venue: Community Center, Out of congress meeting, By invitation only! Custodians inquire with info@sacrednaturalsites.org. Custodian dialogue to reflect on how to evolve a process for supporting indigenous custodians of SNS.
– 8 Sept, time TBA, A visit to Jeju Sacred Natural Sites.
Out of congress meeting, by invitation only! Custodians inquire with info@sacrednaturalsites.org
– 8th of Sept. 15.30 – 16.30, Capacity Building for Sacred Natural Sites (1209).
Venue: Protected Planet Pavilion. Capacity building in regional and cultural contexts: building efforts to enhance protected area management effectiveness in Asia, and with custodians in safeguarding sacred natural sites.
– 10th Sept, 09:00 – 18:30, Learning from the Custodians and Policy Dialogue (767).
Venue: Crystal Ball Room 3, Conservation Campus. Pre registration required via support@sacrednaturalsites.org. Learning from different custodians on specific topics and dialogue on policy issues.
– 10th Sept. 19.00 – 21.00, Standing on Sacred Ground: Film Screening, presentations and Book Launch (1088).
Venue: Tamna hall, Cultural Event. Film Screening: “Standing on Sacred Ground” and Launch of the Korean Language Publication: “Sacred Natural Sites: Guidelines for Protected Area Managers”. The sacred natural site custodians featured in four film segments will be present and will speak after the film segments, discussing the challenges faced by their sacred lands. Download Flyer
– 11Sept. 08.00 – 10.30, CSVPA Members Planning Meeting.
Venue: 4th Floor ICC room 401 – For (aspiring) CSVPA members only, inquire: basverschuuren@gmail.com. Planning for a leadership change and the next 4-year workplan of CSVPA.
– 11 Sept. 8:00-15:30, Custodian dialogue towards formulating a SNS Network.
Venue: Community Center, Out of congress meeting. Interested persons inquire: robgwild@gmail.com. Strategy discussion for the 2013-2015 period.
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este sitios nos permitirá el intercambio de sabiduría y experiencias sobre sitios sagrados en nuestros países. Nos fortalecerá el camino que hemos iniciado.