The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative is humbled to have been invited to lend its support to the National Council of Mayan Elders and Spiritual Leaders, Oxlajuj Ajpop. Especially so, as it’s efforts go towards supporting the celebrations of renewing the cycle of the Mayan Calendar. This celebration is to be held in over 20 sacred natural sites in Guatemala and marks the completion of the 13th baktun. One “baktun” is 144,000 days and is set within a Mayan “Long Count” of 13 baktuns. This is Oxlajuj Ajpop’s message to you:
To the daughters, sons, grandsons, granddaughters of the Maya and other cultures of the world be welcome to joint the great spiritual, social and scientific celebration of:
Follow the celebrations live at http://mayavision.org.gt/ver-en-vivo/
The Mayan Ancestral Authorities and Spiritual Guides united in the National Council called Oxlajuj Ajpop, invite you!

This Mayan calendar is located at Tikal, one of the most well known Mayan cities. The Mayan calendar is based on Mayan astronomy and mathematics, sciences that the Maya had developed into perfection. Photo: B. Verschuuren 2009.
Keb ‘tijax, oxib Kawoq-kijab’ Ajpu in the Mayan Calendar / 19, 20 and 21 December 2012
In five sacred Mayan cities and twenty Sacred Natural Sites accross Guatemala
Who can participate?
All humans that seek harmony, balance, reassurance, respect, justice and peace in life
How to participate?
– Join the celebrations in the five sacred cities and twenty Mayan Sacred Natural Sites
– Hold a celebration in your own place in the world
– Be a messenger of humantity in the new Cycle of the Mayan Calendar
– Support this communalexperience
What do we want to achieve with the celebration?
That we walk together, towards harmony, balance, complementarity, reaffirmation and development of all human beings. That at the personal, family and community levels we make dececisions in favor of life in all its dimensions.
For more information:
Mr. Felipe Gomez. Coordinator of the celebrations of the New Maya Cycle and Ajpop Oxlajuj Director – National Conference spirituales Mayan Elders and Leaders.
Address: 6a. Calle 3-18 Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Phone: (+502) 22382745 and (+502) 30043579
Email: mayavisiongt@gmail.com
For some updates in English see the Sacred Natural Sites Initiative on Face Book