Photos and videos on this website have been provided by many enthusiastic and dedicated individuals and organisation. All photos and videos are fully credited and conform to the ISE Policy on use of images.

Flags placed on the slopes of the sacred mountain for the protector deity Khumbu Yul-Lha during the annual Dumji ceremony in Nepal
(Photo: Jeremy Spoon)
(Photo: Jeremy Spoon)

This Comcaac person is a traditional custodian over sacred sites the Seri territory, North West Mexico
(Photo: Alonzo Martinez)
(Photo: Alonzo Martinez)

At the Community Conservation Workshop facilitated by the Global Diversity Foundation, CSVPA organised a Custodian Dialogue. Several custodians of sacred sites from around the world shared experiences. Here Joe Martin a memeber of the Tla–o-qui-ath people of Vancouver Island in Canada explains how law is derived from nature.
(Photo: Thor Morales Vera)
(Photo: Thor Morales Vera)

Sagarmata, Mt Everest National Park, Nepal
(Photo: J Spoon)
(Photo: J Spoon)

This tree (Ceiba Pendantra) is sacred to the Maya people and occurs in many tropical forests. Sacred species can also contribute to the conservation of ecosystems and often play an important role in many cultures the world over.
(Photo: Bas Verschuuren)
(Photo: Bas Verschuuren)

In South America, a ceremony in the Andes honours the Apu (diety) embodied in the sacred mountain
(Source: Oscar Minera/UNEP)
(Source: Oscar Minera/UNEP)

Rio Grande Valley and Sacred Pumpkin Hill, Jamaica.
(Photo: K John)
(Photo: K John)

Circle of Holy Islamic Karamats in Cape Town, South Africa.
(Photo: R Wild)
(Photo: R Wild)