
Sacred Natural Sites, Wilderness and Extractive Industries at WILD10 in Spain

Wild HEader
The 10ht World Wilderness Congress has seen significant discussions about many issues related to Sacred Natural Sites and Indigenous communities. The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative presented on the importance of Sacred Natural Sites in conservation strategies for spiritual landscapes as well as for worldwide networks on mountain trails. One of SNSI’s advisors, Mayan Spiritual Leader […]

Towards a ‘Top 10 Guidelines’ for researchers and conservation practitioners working on Sacred Natural Sites.

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With this article we would like to invite you to think creatively and critically about the role of science and by extension those of conservation and policy-making in relation to sacred natural sites. In particular, we invite you to consider the significance that sacred natural sites hold in the eyes of their custodians and communities […]

The neuroscience of Sacred Natural Sites; A collaboration with the Royal Botanic Garden and Beyond Borders Scotland

The 4th Books, Borders and Bikes Festival was held at Scotland’s longest continuously inhabited dwelling, Traquair House on the River Tweed in the Scottish Borders. Organised by Beyond Borders Scotland it is a unique festival of literature and thought that brings together leading writers, politicians, soldiers, lawyers and artists to discuss topics relevant to international […]

Support for a new ‘Mamamobile’ for the Kogi in Colombia

The Kogi in de Sierra Nevada de Santa Martha in Colombia are the custodians of the ‘heart of the world’. Their sacred territory including themselves and their spiritual leaders –the Mamos- are increasingly under threat from outside pressures. Read the letter from Calixto Suarez, Mamo of the Kogi. We feel powerless, as our land now belongs […]

Conservation Experience: Counter-mapping of Soliga sacred natural sites to claim rights and territory.

The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative regularly features “Conservation Experiences” of custodians, protected area managers, scientists and others. This post features the experiences of Ms. Sushmita Mandal and her colleagues at ATREE who have supported the Soliga with mapping their sacred natural sites in order to gain recognition of their local governance systems and forest stewardship practices. Ms. […]

Portuguese translation of the Essential Guidelines on Sacred Natural Sites

English Guidelines
Protected area managers, planners, local people and custodians in Portuguese speaking countries can now explore the Essential IUCN UNESCO Guidelines “Sacred Natural Sites, Guidelines for Protected Area Managers” in Portuguese. The Guidelines have been generously translated by professional translator Ms. Bruna Katletz from Brazil. “It’s hard to read and work on this subject without being […]