
Paths to Peace, Sharing the Sacred: Finding Meaning for a Common Future

takayna country, lutuwitra (Tasmania) Australia. Source: Jennifer Adams
This is the featured Article of the Sacred Sites Research Newsletter Newsletter March 2019 Issue. by Jonathan Liljeblad The Rise of Indigenous Rights Commencing in the latter part of the 20th century and continuing into the 21 st , a global effort gathered momentum through different avenues to recognize and address the concept of Indigenous rights. […]

Declaring Sacred Natural Sites as juristic persons

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The recognition that “other-than-human” entities have legal personality can be seen as an emerging eco-spiritual paradigm around the world.

Sacred Natural Sites at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii

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Since sacred natural sites hi the conservation agenda in the late 90-‘s they have been receiving increasing attention from conservationists. In 2008 at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona the launch of the IUCN UNESCO Best Practice Guidelines “Sacred Natural Sites: Guidelines for Protected Area Managers” marked a sea change in terms of their […]

An International photography contest invites you to photograph sacred natural sites

Sacred Natural Site
An international photography contest, dedicated to historical sacred natural sites, is commencing. The goal of the contest is to commemorate the cultural and natural heritages of sacred natural sites, to record their current state, as well as to encourage people to visit and care for the sacred sites. The theme of the contest is historical, […]

Indigenous custodians’ voices amplified in forthcoming publication!

Shotele Cave sacred site, Paje with its custodian Hassan (front) and PV trainee Ame. Source: Mwambao Network.
This is a call for contributions to a forthcoming book entitled: “Indigenous Perspectives on Living with Sacred Heritage (2016)”. This book will look to the notion of a sacred site as defined by its indigenous custodians. As such, sacred sites can be natural or human-made, can be situated in any geographic location, can be closed […]

A Call for Legal Recognition of Sacred Natural Sites in Africa

Call to action
“A Call for Legal Recognition of Sacred Natural Sites and Territories, and their Customary Governance Systems” was released by Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network. The report provides the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights with persuasive and substantive arguments relating to a core element of original African traditions and calls for a decisive […]

A canoe pilgrimage to the isle of Boreray, Scotland

Boreray canoe
For Lewis raised SNSI advisor Alastair McIntosh, inflating his canoe and taking it for a spin around the Hebrides Islands was not a story of heroic outdoor activity. Alistair, who’s been long involved with reading the soul of landscapes and interested in people’s deeper intertwinements with nature, headed out for a pilgrimage to the sacred […]

Mining Sacred Worlds – Film Festival in Wageningen Netherlands

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This four-day film festival (oct 5-8) with dialogues from guest speakers takes place at Movie W Film Theatre in Wageningen Netherlands. The festival evolves around the mining boom currently threatening the environment, people and indigenous communities around the world. It highlights the impacts on indigenous peoples’ sacred places and their ways of living, seeing and […]

Sacred natural sites, spirituality and religion at the International Congress of Conservation Biology, France.

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The tweets prior to the event showed this years’ hot issues at the International Congress of Conservation Biology (ICCB) in Montpellier France would be ‘drones’ and ‘religion’. As part of the latter, SNSI was invited collaborate in a session on the role of faith and spirituality in conservation organised by the Society on Conservation Biology’s […]

Sacred Natural Sites at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney Australia 2014

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Taking place in Sydney Australia in November this year, the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) happens every ten years and sets the agenda for protected areas planning, management and governance world-wide. In 2003 the event was held in Durban South Africa under the patronage of Nelson Mandela who said: I see no future for parks, […]